After acquiring the rights to produce a film based on Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography, Sony is reportedly (according to The Sun) considering George Clooney to play the part of Steve Jobs in the upcoming film.

Sony has also reportedly been considering Noah Wyle, who played Steve Jobs in Pirates of Silicon Valley, to play the part. Interestingly, both men co-starred on the hit TV show ER, and would both likely do very well with the role.
Filming of the upcoming movie is expected to begin next year. The film will track the life of the visionary entrepreneur who became the father of Apple.
Noah Wyle has previously expressed great excitement about the role. When asked if he’d consider playing the role, Wyle responded, “Are you kidding? […] There are certain roles you wish you could tackle over and over again. That’s one for me.”
It’s unclear whether this rumor has any truth to it, but I personally can’t see George Clooney in the role of Jobs…