It’s a big day for Apple TV owners who enjoy “shopping” on their big screen HDTV. Amazon is now available for Apple’s fourth-gen streaming box. Now comes the news that folks looking for a mate, (or a hookup), can now do so from the comfort of their couch by swiping left and right with their Siri Remote.

Modern dating is taking a page from the age-old book of matchmaking. Let’s face it—the people who know you best have traditionally had a high rate of success when helping you pick a partner […]
Now you can spot Swipe Right potential from across the room. Need a second opinion before you Super Like? Good news: the cousins from Omaha just rolled in. Plus, why swipe alone when you can let Aunt Donna have a say? She’s known you since you were two; she’s watched you grow. If she says you should Swipe Right on that nice girl in the penguin costume, you Swipe Right on that nice girl in the penguin costume. Seriously man, show Aunt Donna some respect.
We’re not really sure how this is better than checking out potential loves on your iPhone, other than it might make for a possible fun family activity during the holidays, as the whole family gathers around the warmth of the television and calls out “left!” or “right!” as potential mates for cousin Sally, or brother Jim fill the screen. (You’ll want to get Jim out of his basement bedroom for this. And when you do, spray some Fabreeze down there, will ya?)
The Tinder app is free, and is available in the tvOS App Store on fourth-generation Apple TVs.
(Via 9to5Mac)