Apple has released Safari Technology Preview 209, the latest version of their developer preview web browser. The preview version of Apple’s popular browser offers developers and other interested users the ability to try out features that may or may not, debut in future public release versions of Safari.
Safari Technology Preview 209 includes fixes and updates for Browser, CSS, Rendering, Scrolling, SVG, Text, Web API, Web Extensions, and Web Inspector.
The current Safari Technology Preview release is compatible with machines macOS Sonoma and macOS Sequoia, the newest version of macOS.
Safari Technology Preview Release 209 is now available for download for macOS Sequoia and macOS Sonoma. If you already have Safari Technology Preview installed, you can update it in System Settings under General → Software Update.
This release includes WebKit changes between: 286404@main…286707@main.
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an issue where sites would log out automatically after a brief time. (286436@main) (99829958)
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an issue where SVG text was not displayed in a
content-visibility: auto
subtree. (286447@main) (138040315)- Fixed an issue where radial gradients with two color stops at 100% failed to extend the last color. (286413@main) (139369366)
Resolved Issues
- Fixed: Improved view-transitions performance by only rasterizing on-screen snapshots. (286553@main) (139339149)
New Features
- Added support for Scroll To Text Fragment feature detection with
. (286423@main) (139631353).fragment Directive SVG
Resolved Issues
- Fixed SVG paths getting clipped at tile boundaries. (286550@main) (135280080)
- Fixed SVG quadratic curve getting incorrectly clipped at tile boundaries. (286618@main) (139904014)
Resolved Issues
- Fixed an issue where a thick underline would not show on short content. (286639@main) (64705955)
Resolved Issues
- Fixed
to return a Promise. (286597@main) (139854530).request Pointer Lock Web Extensions
Resolved Issues
- Fixed CORS for Web Extension pages to respect granted per-site permissions.
Developers will need to add a
call before doing any.permissions .request({origins: []}) fetch()
that is blocked by CORS. (286651@main) (102912898)Web Inspector
Resolved Issues
- Added the ability to modify only the headers of a request using a Request Local Override. (286679@main) (139043491)
While the preview is intended for use by developers and advanced users, to provide Apple with feedback on the development of the Safari browser, it can be run side-by-side with the release version of Safari. The app doesn’t require a developer account to download and install. For more information, visit the Safari Technology Preview website.