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Users Say Apple Pencil Pro Not Working Properly With M4 iPad Pro or M2 iPad Air

Users Say Apple Pencil Pro Not Working Properly With M4 iPad Pro or M2 iPad Air

Reddit users say the Apple Pencil Pro is not working properly with the M2 iPad Air and M4 iPad Pro, according to a report from BGR. The users report that the stylus randomly stops working and disappears from both Bluetooth and Find My. The stylus also freezes on the “Apple Pencil Pro” pop-up, not displaying the battery power when connected to the iPad.

The issues have been present since the first day of Apple Pencil Pro availability.

On a Reddit thread from last month, a user describes exactly that:

”I just got my new iPad Pro and Apple Pencil Pro today. I played with it a bit with some drawing apps, but after a while, the pencil stopped working. It wouldn’t connect even though it show the “Apple Pencil Pro” words at the top of the screen when I attached it. I have restarted my iPad many times, and it still doesn’t work.

Some users reported that while the squeeze feature didn’t work, they could still get haptic feedback.

Other users reported similar issues on the Apple Community Forum:

I recently bought the new iPad M4 and the new Apple Pencil Pro. I use it mostly for taking notes on Apple Notes. Sometimes, while writing notes, the Apple Pencil stops showing what I’m writing. Anything I write disappears as soon as I write it, and then it keeps on doing that. Then I close the Notes app and open it back up, and the writing shows up again. It happens very randomly.

The postings indicate that the Apple Pencil Pro does not seem to be working with the M4 iPad Pro and M2 iPad Air. The issue occurs with all available iPadOS versions, including iPadOS 17.5, iPadOS 17.5.1, and the first beta of iPadOS 18.

Users report varying degrees of success with the following steps to resolve the issue, no guarantee whether they’ll work for you:

  • Restart the iPad
  • Restart Bluetooth
  • Remove Apple Pencil Pro from Bluetooth and/or Find My and try to repair
  • Factory reset the iPad
  • Contact Apple Support

Hopefully, a firmware update or iPadOS update will fix the issue, but there is so far no word on when such an update may be available. We’ll keep you updated.