
It Could Soon Be Easier to Replace Your iPhone’s Battery

Today’s iPhone has a battery that is held in place by great big gobs of glue, making it tough to remove the battery and remove the glue holding the battery in place. However, Apple is reportedly working on a way to make the replacement of the battery a bit easier on customers.

In the iPhone (and numerous other similar devices) the battery is a difficult-to-repair component, meaning users are required to take their iPhones to Apple or an authorized repair center to have a worn-out battery switched out. While a battery can be switched out as a self-service repair, users still need to rent specialized tools from Apple to complete the job.

Now, The Information reports that its sources, who are involved in the manufacturing process, tell it that at least one iPhone 16 model may sport an easier-to-repair battery. The report says if the process is successful it may be rolled out to all iPhone 17 models.

The proposed change only makes things slightly easier. Currently, after the device is disassembled, the battery must be removed by using tweezers to pull on adhesive strips. To add the new battery, a machine and tray are used.

The new version, called electrically-induced adhesive debonding, involves encasing the battery in metal instead of foil. The battery can be dislodged from the chassis very quickly using electricity.

Unfortunately, it is believed that Apple will still require specialist tools to take an iPhone apart, just like the current models.

it appears that the battery removal process will still only be recommended for customers knowledgeable in electronics, and are confident enough to perform their own repairs.

(Via AppleInsider)

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.