Apple Developer Academy Debuts AI Training

Apple Developer Academy Debuts AI Training

Apple today announced it will train all Apple Developer Academy students and mentors on technologies and tools that take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI).

The new curriculum will be available later in 2024 to students, mentors, and Apple Developer Academy alums across six countries — Brazil, Indonesia, Italy, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and the United States.

“At Apple, we see coding as a universal language and believe in empowering developers, creators, and entrepreneurs across the world with tools and technologies that will allow them to create phenomenal experiences,” said Susan Prescott, Apple’s vice president of Worldwide Developer Relations. “With the introduction of curriculum dedicated to AI and other new technologies, we’re excited to see what students will build to share with their communities and the world.”

This fall, Apple Developer Academy students will engage with a custom-built curriculum that teaches them how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models across Apple devices.

Courses will include:

  • Fundamentals of AI technologies and frameworks
  • Core ML and its ability to deliver fast performance on Apple devices
  • Guidance on how to build and train AI models from the ground up

Students will learn from guided curriculum and project-based assignments that include assistance from hundreds of mentors and more than 12,000 academy alumni worldwide.

Apple announced new technologies and APIs during WWDC24 last week, providing access to tools to build projects and apps. Apple debuted Xcode 16 at WWDC, which includes new features, such as Swift Assist, which serves as a companion for all of a developer’s coding tasks. Swift 6 also introduces new features.