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Happy Memorial Day 2024 to All of Our U.S. Readers!

Happy Memorial Day 2024 to All of Our U.S. Readers!

Today is Memorial Day in the United States, so we here at MacTrast will be spending the day with our family and friends, enjoying the holiday, and remembering and honoring those who gave their lives in defense of our country.

“Americans may not only pay tribute to our honored dead but also unite in prayer for success in our search for a just and lasting peace.” —John F. Kennedy, “Prayer for Peace,” Memorial Day 1962

We thank all of the service men and women for all they’ve done to protect their country in the last 2 centuries, and will never forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice, giving their lives so that we all may live.

“If words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.” —Ronald Reagan

While we’ll take it easy today, MacTrast will return tomorrow at full strength. Happy Memorial Day everyone!

(Photo by Ludovic Gauthier on Unsplash)