
Apple Vision Pro Owners Complain of Headset Related Health Issues

Some Apple Vision Pro owners are reporting headset-related health issues, according to a report from MarketWatch. The site spoke to Vision Pro owners experiencing headaches, neck pain, and other issues.

Emily Olman got her $3,500 device in February and told MarketWatch that it gave her two black eyes after she wore it for the first time for about an hour.

“I wasn’t able to use it very much the first few weeks because the fit was just off,” said Olman, chief media officer at Hopscotch Interactive, who is based in Kensington, Calif. Olman creates videos with the device for commercial and residential real-estate clients.

She added that she had “like, superdark black eyes,” after wearing the Apple Vision Pro, which, she said, “clearly [placed] too much weight on my cheeks.”

Vision Pro owners on Reddit claim they are experiencing ongoing headaches, eye strain, and pain from the weight of the device. Some users report having luck with modified straps and using third-party products. However, it should also be noted that other users have had no issue with the headset and its default headband options.

While Marketwatch contacted Apple for comment, the company declined to comment, instead directing the publication to its Vision Pro user guidelines. In those guidelines, Apple recommends taking breaks from wearing the headset every 20 to 30 minutes during the user acclimation period and to stop use if you begin feeling unwell. Apple also recommends that users experiencing eye strain, headache, or pain stop using the device.

Chris Hauk

Chris is a Senior Editor at Mactrast. He lives somewhere in the deep Southern part of America, and yes, he has to pump in both sunshine and the Internet.