Steam Link Game Streaming Finally Launches on macOS

Steam Link Game Streaming Finally Launches on macOS

Almost two years after being released for iOS and tvOS, Steam Link has officially launched in the Mac App Store. The lightweight client allows users to stream Steam games from a computer to the Mac. Steam Link originally launched on iOS and tvOS in 2019.

Although Steam users have long been able to stream games from within the Mac version of the Steam app, the release of the Steam Link app for macOS now provides a lightweight (29.8MB) method of streaming games to their Mac. The full Steam app weighs in at 1GB of drive space.

From the Steam Link App Store page:

The Steam Link app allows you to play your Steam games across all your computers. Just pair an MFI or Steam controller to your Mac, connect to a computer running Steam on the same local network, and start playing your existing Steam games.


* Apple Mac running macOS 10.13 or higher

* Computer running Steam – Windows, Mac, or Linux

* Apple Mac must be on the same local network as the computer running Steam

For best performance:

* Connect both computers using Ethernet to your router

Steam Link for macOS is available on the Mac App Store.