Apple has reopened its five retail stores in Beijing, China, although to reduced hours. Plus, customers are checked for fever before being allowed to enter the stores, as the coronavirus outbreak in the country continues.

CNBC senior correspondent Eunice Yoon shared a video that showed Apple employees checking customers for signs of fever as they enter the store. Yoon says Apple is also limiting the number of customers allowed in the store at once.
Business attempts to normalize in #China despite #coronavirus. @Apple reopens its 5 Beijing stores today. Limited hours (11a-6p v. usual 10a-10p). One entrance only with temperature checks. $AAPL restricts # customers in stores. Busy but not thecrowds would see on #ValentinesDay.
— Eunice Yoon (@onlyyoontv) February 14, 2020
Stores in Beijing have limited hours of 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time. All other Apple stores in China will remain closed until further notice. Apple operates more than 40 stores in the country, making up less than 10% of its total worldwide retail locations.
Apple recently provided to its retail stores, authorized service providers, and carrier partners an enhanced cleaning guide that recommends all demo Apple products be cleaned at least twice a day. The document, originally shared by MacRumors, offers best practices for using microfiber cloths and also offers hand-washing tips for employees.