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Select Number of Apple Stores Piloting Extension of AppleCare+ Eligibility Beyond Usual 60 Days

Select Number of Apple Stores Piloting Extension of AppleCare+ Eligibility Beyond Usual 60 Days

A select number of Apple Stores in the United States and Canada are reported to be piloting a program that extends purchase eligibility of AppleCare+ for devices beyond the usual limit of 60 days after the purchase date.

AppleCare+ extends hardware coverage and technical support  for two or three years, depending on the device. Coverage includes up to two incidents of accidental damage, each subject to a service fee.

A MacRumors report referring to the ever-popular “multiple sources with the matter,” says the pilot program kicked off this week, and allows customers to add AppleCare+ to a device between 61 days and one year after the purchase of the device.

Customers must book a Genius Bar appointment, where a technician will perform a visual inspection and run diagnostics on the device to confirm the device’s eligibility for the coverage.

The report’s sources say the pilot program is available in 50 or so Apple Stores in the U.S., and all 29 locations in Canada. They were unable to tell MacRumors how long the program will run.

MacRumors says they called a participating Apple Store where the pilot program’s existence was confirmed. The program applies to the iPhone for certain, and likely also applies to iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, and other devices normally eligible for the extended warranty program.