Apple on Monday released the fourth beta seed of the iOS 12.2 update to developers and public beta testers for testing. The new beta comes two weeks following the release of the third beta.
Registered developers can download the new iOS 12.2 beta directly from Apple’s Developer Center, or over-the-air directly to any compatible device with the proper configuration profile installed. (Developers will know what that means.)
While the new beta includes several minor tweaks, bug fixes, and performance enhancements, it also includes two noticeable changes.
Apple has introduced a new icon for the Apple News app, offering a simpler design, with a stylized red N on a white background
The Remote icon in Control Center now a stylized remote on a blue background instead the previous Apple TV logo.
Previous betas brought other changes. In beta three, the Apple TV Remote app was given a darker interface, in both the Remote app itself and in Control Center.
The second beta of iOS 12.2 included a bug that caused the iPhone’s charge level to be displayed on the Lock Screen instead of the usual Date. Beta 3 fixed that.
The Apple News app’s logo was also changed inside the app, using the “” symbol along with the word “News,” in place of previous versions’ spelled out “Apple News.”
The About screen was rearranged to be more logical, with information such as the model number and serial number appearing at the top, while carrier info is at the bottom.