The Amazon Kindle eBook reader app for iOS devices has received an update that brings a number of new features.

What’s New
* Split view on iPad is here! Resize the app to multi-task while reading without ever switching context.
* Try scrolling through your book – just like a web page. Turn continuous scrolling on via Settings, then easily turn it on and off from the Aa menu in your book. Tell us what you think.
* Pull down in the library to refresh your list of books.
* We’ve added Kindle dictionaries for Arabic.
On compatible iPad models, such as any iPad Pro model, the Kindle app now supports Split View allowing use of the Kindle app side-by-side with other apps, providing the ability to multi-task while reading an eBook.
Other features allow users to scroll through a book just as you normally would through a webpage in your favorite web browser. The feature can be turned on by visiting the Settings for the app and enabling “Continuous Scrolling.” Once the feature is enabled, you can toggle it on and off from the “Aa” menu in your book.
In addition, the Kindle app has gained the ability to refresh your book library by pulling down in the book display to refresh the list, as well as new Kindle dictionaries for Arabic.
The Amazon Kindle app for iOS devices is available for free in the App Store. [GET IT HERE]