The privacy-first search engine, DuckDuckGo has released a totally revamped iOS app and a browser extension designed to enhance your privacy online.

DuckDuckGo’s updated mobile app and browser extension offer tracker blocking, smarter encryption, and private search, meaning that for the first time, these privacy protection tools are available in a single product across all major platforms. This gives people all the privacy essentials they need to seamlessly take control of their personal information online. The product also shows a Privacy Grade rating (A-F) for each website visited. This rating lets users see at a glance how protected they are, dig into the details to see who was caught trying to track them, and learn how DuckDuckGo enhanced the underlying website’s privacy measures. The Privacy Grade is scored automatically based on the prevalence of hidden tracker networks, encryption availability, and website privacy practices.
The free mobile app is available for iOS and Android devices. The free browser extension works with Chrome, Safari, and Firefox browsers.