Apple has selected Checkmate! as their free App of the Week. The app allows users to play a game of chess over iMessages on their iOS device. Checkmate! is normally priced at $0.99.

PLEASE READ! This is an iMessage game and may be played only within iMessage. We ask that you do not post a negative review in the App Store if you are having difficulty installing or uninstalling the game as this is outside of our control. To install and play or to uninstall Checkmate, please follow instructions at If you have any questions please send us an email at and we’ll do our best to help. Thanks and we hope you enjoy the game! 🙂
Add some competition to your conversations with Checkmate! Play chess against family and friends in Messages!Simply start a conversation with someone, select the Checkmate! app and tap “New Match” to begin. You can play multiple matches with other people at the same time – even across all your devices!
What are you waiting for? It’s time to choose your opponent, make your move and play Checkmate!
To start up a game of chess in Checkmate! simply go to the App Drawer and tap the Checkmate! icon. All moves in the game are sent using iMessages. Multiple games can be played with multiple opponents at one time, on all of your iOS devices.
The currently free app needs to be installed through the Messages App Store.
Checkmate! is available for free until next Thursday. [GET IT HERE]