Auto Correct debuted in OS X Lion, and continues to be available in the latest version of the Mac operating system, macOS Sierra. AutoCorrect is one of those features that users either love or hate, with very few users falling in between. Luckily, the setting is easy to adjust.
How To Toggle Auto Correct On and Off on Your Mac in macOS Sierra
1) Enter System Preferences and then click the “Keyboard” icon. You should find it in the second row of icons.

2) Click the “Text” tab found at the top of the “Keyboard” options window.
3) The checkbox you’re looking for is “Correct spelling automatically.” If the checkbox is checked, macOS will use auto correct. If it’s not, it won’t automatically correct text as you type. Toggle the setting to your preferences.

While you’re here, you see that you can also have macOS capitalize words automatically, and add a period when you double-tap the spacebar. Again, these can be adjusted to your own personal preferences. Your mileage may vary.
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