One of my favorite features in the Mac version of the Safari web browser is the ability to have multiple tabs open at once. The ability to keep multiple websites open at once is a great time-saver. Here’s how to switch between multiple tabs in Safari, without ever needing to touch your Mouse or trackpad.

How To Navigate Tabs in Safari With Just the Mac Keyboard
Hold down Command + Shift and then tap the Left and Right arrow keys move through through the browser tabs from left to right or right to left.

You can also do the same thing by holding down Command + Shift and then tapping the Open or Close Bracket keys to move through the browser tabs from left to right or right to left.

Hold down the Control key, and then tap the Tab key to move through the browser tabs from left to right.

Hold down Control + Shift and then tap the Tab key to move through the Tabs in reverse order from right to left.

Bonus tip: You can also jump directly to a tab in Safari by holding down the Command (CMD) key and pressing the number of the tab you’d like to jump directly to. CMD + 1 would go to the first open tab, CMD + 2 jumps to the second open tab, and so on…
(This “how to” is an update to the one we published back in 2011.)
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