Apple on Thursday seeded the seventh beta of iOS 10.3 to developers and public beta testers. The new release comes a mere three days following the sixth beta release.

Registered developers can download the new iOS 10.3 beta – Build 14E5277a – from the Apple Developer Center, or over the air with the correct configuration installed on their device. (If you’re a developer, you know what that means.) Public beta testers can also download the new update OTA with the proper configuration installed on their device.
Fixed in this Release
Find My iPhone
Find My iPhone now supports Location and Play Sound for AirPods.
- Location and Play Sound should now work as expected.
- Play Sound emits a noise from the AirPods that reaches a high volume after a few seconds. Please remove both AirPods from your ears before testing this feature.
iCloud Analytics
During setup, users should no longer reach the “iCloud Analytics” page if they have not yet signed in.
iCloud Backup
Nightly backups should no longer fail with the error message “Some files were unavailable during the last backup.”
LAN Asset Cache
LAN Asset Cache functionality should now work as expected.
Lightning Video Adapters
Lightning video adapters should now work as expected.
Managed and Shared Devices
- On managed devices, users should no longer be able to override the current iCloud Document Sync setting.
- Shared iPad settings should now work as expected.
Xcode Simulator
- The legacy iCloud button in Settings has been removed. iCloud settings are now available within the new Apple ID settings pane.
- Scrolling in the Today View should no longer crash.
- Attempting to enable iCloud Drive through the iCloud Drive app before the user is signed into iCloud should no longer cause Settings to crash.
Notes and Known Issues
Managed and Shared Devices
The ability to update devices from a remote server is in development and may not yet work as expected.
When a third party application invokes openURL: on a tel://, facetime://, or facetime-audio:// URL, iOS displays a prompt and requires user confirmation before dialing.
The new SiriKit car commands are still in development and may not yet work as expected.
SOS is only supported in India.
Safari now supports the prefers-reduced-motion media query. This query allows a web developer to provide alternate page styles for users who are sensitive to large areas of motion. Users can change their preference for reduced motion in the Accessibility section of System Preferences.
The iOS 10.3 update removes support for SHA-1 signed certificates used for Transport Layer Security (TLS) in Safari and WebKit that are issued from a root Certification Authority (CA) included in the operating system default trust store. All other TLS connections will continue to support SHA-1 signed certificates until late 2017. SHA-1 signed root CA certificates, enterprise distributed SHA-1 certificates, and user-installed SHA-1 certificates are not affected by this change.
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