Apple’s Maps app on iOS and macOS has been updated to include satellite imagery of the new Apple Park campus. The app now includes some slightly out of date imagery along with a description of the campus.

The satellite imagery isn’t entirely up-to-date with the most recent drone footage we’ve seen, though. For instance, the solar panels on the roof of the main building are not completely installed in Apple’s imagery, though they are in recent drone footage. Additionally, not much landscaping has begun in Apple’s satellite imagery.
The change is still propagating to users, so the campus may not yet be the first result displayed when users type “Apple Park” in Maps search. Before the update, the campus would not display in search results at all. “Steve Jobs Theater” is also now listed as a location, although it does not include specific information about the building.

Maps Info Includes Apple Park Description
Apple Maps offers a description information about Apple Park, including satellite images and a description from Wikipedia. No specific address for the campus is listed, although the app will furnish directions to the future home of the Apple team. Additional information includes a link to Apple’s website, and a “Corporate Headquarters” description tag.
The new campus will open its doors in April, when employees will begin to transfer their boxes of desk junk to the new headquarters. Construction continues on the campus, and will continue for awhile after the official opening. The new Steve Jobs Theater will likely be one of the last buildings to be completed, as recent drone footage of the site shows it has a ways to go yet.