Apple continues to promote an initiative already in place at many corporations promoting wellness among their employees. The Cupertino firm has created a microsite aimed at helping such wellness efforts incorporate the Apple Watch into their programs.

Apple Watch for Corporate Wellness website:
The centerpiece of your corporate wellness program.
From practicing mindfulness to reaching fitness goals, wellness keeps employees healthy and energized. Apple Watch is designed to work seamlessly with your corporate wellness program so employees stay active, healthy, and productive throughout the day.
On the site, Apple promotes a number of apps available on the Apple Watch that are already being used in a number of wellness programs. Apps include: Vitality, Lose It!, and more.The company is also making available a dedicated email address ( that companies can use to contact Apple when they are considering an wellness program.
The Apple Watch – which tracks steps, workouts, and calories burned – makes a great way for companies to incentivize healthy behavior. The microsite also offers information about how Watch apps such as Messages, Calendar, and others can be used in a work setting.
Companies with under 100 employees can simply purchase the needed devices at their local Apple Store, while those with over 100 employees can contact Apple directly.
(Via 9to5Mac)