Evernote has sent an email out to users this afternoon, warning of a serious bug that has caused a “small number of people” who use Evernote for Mac to lose some of their data.

We have identified a bug in some versions of Evernote for Mac that can cause images and other attachments to be deleted from a note under specific conditions. We believe you are one of a small number of people impacted by this bug. […]
The bug can occur in the version of Evernote for Mac released in September, and less frequently in versions released since June. In these versions, certain sequences of events, such as skimming quickly through a large number of notes, can cause an image or other attachments to be deleted from a note without warning. Text in notes is not affected.
The company recommends that recipients of the email immediately update the app on their Mac to the latest version, in order to avoid losing data. As for those that have already experienced data loss, they just may be screwed, as the company warns that while it attempted to restore the lost data, some attachments couldn’t be automatically restored.
It is possible that lost attachments could be accessible via the Evernote Premium note history feature, so the company is providing all affected users with a free year of the Premium service.
Evernote version 6.9.1 and later appear to fix the data loss issue.
(Via MacRumors)