Apple has posted its official numbers for the iOS 10 adoption rate on its developer website, and over half of eligible devices are running the new mobile operating system.

As of October 7, iOS 10 has garnered a 54% adoption rate among iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users, just slightly lower than iOS 9 scored around the same time last year.
Apple’s official numbers are a bit lower than those reported from Mixpanel’s iOS adoption tracker, which showed a 55% adoption rate, as of the last day of September. Mixpanel’s iOS 10 adoption numbers were at 64.30% as of October 7, and at the time of this article, the firm’s live tracker showed a nearly 68% adoption rate among compatible devices.
While iOS 10 had some teething pains early on, with installation issues that surely put some users off of the idea of updating, the new mobile operating system’s list of new features has likely drawn reluctant adopters back into the fold. New features include: Messages apps and stickers, third-party developer access to Siri, leading to better app integration, and more.