It’s Thursday, so that means Apple has made another app free for the next seven days. This week, the lucky app is “Blek,” the Apple Design Award-Winning game from developer kunabi brother GmbH. The app usually goes for $3, so this week’s freebie saves you a decent piece of change.

From the Blek App Store page:
Blek is a unique game about imagination and personality. Everything you draw keeps moving – and watching your creations move is like watching magic.
The goal is simple: shape a line that collects all colored circles avoiding black holes on its route. There are no specific moves that you need to master. To every level countless solutions exist, from delightfully simple to exceptionally deep and complex, yet always elegant.
Blek is available free for the next seven days, in the App Store. It’s a Universal App, so it runs natively on the iPhone or iPad. [GET IT HERE]