Underscoring the highly-competitive nature of the music streaming business, Samsung announced on Monday that it will shutdown its Milk Music streaming service in September, ending a two-year run for the South Korean device maker’s in-house music streaming product.

We have made the strategic decision to invest in a partner model focused on seamlessly integrating the best music services available today into our family of Galaxy devices. We believe that working with partners will accelerate innovation, enhance device sales and provide amazing new experiences for our customers.
The Milk Music service was launched in 2014 as an exclusive music streamer for Samsung devices. The firm later added Milk Video and Milk VR to its multimedia offerings. The platforms failed to gain a toehold in the highly competitive multimedia streaming marketplace, as Milk Video streamed its last video in 2015, and the Music branch is set to shutdown next month. That leaves Milk VR as the last man standing.
Earlier this year, rumors floated the bowl saying Samsung was looking to dump Milk Music, due to poor subscriber numbers and a low return on the company’s significant investment in the service. The company was also rumored to be looking to make a deal with rapper Jay-Z’s Tidal streaming service. A Samsung representative was quoted later as saying all of the rumors were untrue.
Samsung’s Milk Music will completely shutdown operations on September 22.
(Via AppleInsider)