If you’re a user of the Spark email client, and you’ve been locked out of your Apple ID account, Spark creator Readdle wants you to know that no one tried to breach your account. Last night a few users reported their Apple IDs had been compromised.

This morning speculation came to a close as third-party email client Spark confirmed that an upgrade to faster servers for iCloud users on the platform triggered the issue and forced password resets in a collection of Apple IDs. The company mentioned that it has been preparing to launch Spark for Mac, which was the reason for the faster server upgrade, but now promises that “there’s NO breach or data leak” that users have to worry about.
Readdle, the creators of Spark, attempted to reassure Spark users in a post on Reddit.
Hello guys,
Thank you for the feedback and comments! Our team has been investigating this for a few hours. What we know so far: 1. There’s no breach or data leak according to our investigation. 2. The new, faster AWS server logic might have triggered iCloud security algos. We are already working with Apple to learn more details. We are doing some server side work to make Spark much faster, and to make it ready for the Mac version, which is already in Alpha. We will keep you updated once we have more news from Apple side.
Thank you.
The issue didn’t apparently affect all Spark users who use the service with their iCloud mail account. The company assures users they shouldn’t worry that their account was breached. However, as is usual in cases like this, it might be a good idea to change you password, which is something you should be doing regularly anyway.