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Unofficial WWDC Mac App Offers Transcripts of all 2016 Session Videos

Unofficial WWDC Mac App Offers Transcripts of all 2016 Session Videos

If you’re a developer who wasn’t lucky enough to score a ticket for Apple’s big WWDC 2016 bash, held earlier this month in San Francisco, and you’ve watched the session videos, but feel like you’ve missed a few of the finer points, you’ll be glad to know there is now an unofficial app that offers up transcripts for each session.


“WWDC” is a native macOS app that offers a transcript for each session, which streams alongside the official videos of each individual talk. The words scroll alongside the video as it plays, making it easy to follow along while still paying attention to the video. The transcripts are searchable, making it easy to skip to sections you may want to study closer.


Offers Search and Sharing Functions

The app has a powerful search feature. When you first launch the app, it indexes the videos database and downloads transcripts from ASCIIWWDC, so when you search, not only will you get search results from session titles and descriptions, but also from what the presenter said in the sessions.

Depending on the speed of your Mac and your Internet connection, the downloading and indexing should only take a few moments. You can also share direct links to specific session videos. Select a session on the list and do the usual CMD+C to copy its URL, or use the right-click menu.

The app is only available via GitHub, and it is completely free of charge.

(Via TNW)