Google on Monday announced a new app for iOS combining Google Search, YouTube, and the Chrome web browser. “Spaces” is available for the iOS, Android, and mobile and desktop web platforms. The app is intended to allow users to easily share and discuss content among friends.

Group sharing isn’t easy. From book clubs to house hunts to weekend trips and more, getting friends into the same app can be challenging. Sharing things typically involves hopping between apps to copy and paste links. Group conversations often don’t stay on topic, and things get lost in endless threads that you can’t easily get back to when you need them.
With Spaces, it’s simple to find and share articles, videos and images without leaving the app, since Google Search, YouTube, and Chrome come built in.
Users can create a space around any article of video they’d like, and then invite friends and family to the new Space via a text, email, or a social network. The group can then discuss the topic, or even older topics via a built-in search function. Users can pull up image results as well as text.

Google will eat its own cooking, making use of the new app at its own I/O conference, running this week. The search giant will set up Spaces for each individual session, allowing conference goers and developers to connect to discuss the weeks’ goings-ons.
Spaces is rolling out today on Android, iOS, desktop, and mobile web for all Gmail accounts. Users can check the Spaces website to see if it’s available yet.