Apple’s Mac continued to grab PC marketshare from Windows-based machines during Q1 2016, even as the PC market as a whole shrank. This according to the latest data from Gartner and IDC. And, as usual, Gartner and IDC each told a slightly different story, but both had a reasonably happy ending for Apple.

Apple’s first quarter 2016 share of the global PC market grew to 7.4%, which was good for fourth place, says IDC. That’s a 0.7% increase from the same period one year ago. Although their marketshare grew, Apple’s Mac sales actually shrank by 2.1% to just under 4.5 million. However, that easily allowed them to outpace the rest of the PC market, which shrank a precipitous 11.5%.
IDC’s numbers show first place Lenovo’s sales slip 8.5% year-over-year, falling to 12.1 million units, good for 20.1% of the market overall.
Second place HP held a 19.2% piece of the pie, down 10.8%, accounting for 11.6 million units. Dell’s numbers were good enough to show, taking third place with 9 million units, accounting for a 14.9% share, down 2% from the same time last year.
Gartner’s numbers were a bit different, showing Apple’s worldwide shipments advancing 1% year-over-year to 4.6 million for the quarter, grabbing a 7.1% marketshare. HP’s number slid 9%, Lenovo was down 7.2%, and Dell slipped just 0.4%. Gartner says the only major Windows PC maker to see growth was Asus, up slightly with 1.5%.

Gartner’s U.S. numbers showed a 14% overall growth in the U.S. for Lenovo. Dell performed well, with a 3% increase, good for 26% of the stateside market. Apple slipped slightly in its home country, and HP took a big hit, with its shipments falling hard, dropping 17%.
IDC’s U.S. number showed Apple good for fourth place, with a 13% share, with sales of 1.77 million units stateside. IDC’s numbers show U.S. Apple easily outperforming the overall domestic PC market, with sales up by 5.6%, while overall PC sales in the U.S. were down 5.8%.
(Via AppleInsider)