Hang on to your Chimichangas! The Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool, is running amok in the iTunes Store in celebration of the digital release of his violently profane, yet extremely popular movie on iTunes.

Deadpool can be found gleefully crashing into posters and preview pages for other films in the iTunes Store, photobombing such films as 127 Hours, Say Anything, and Taken.

The R-Rated action/comedy flick has seen an early digital release ahead of its Blu-Ray and DVD release, coming on May 10th. The movie stars “God’s Perfect Idiot,” Ryan Reynolds, (this role is the reason Reynolds was born), as the wise-cracking, profane, painfully self-aware mercenary/superhero who regularly breaks the fourth wall to speak directly to the audience. The action-packed hilarious movie is the highest-grossing R-rated flick ever released, earning a total of $746 million worldwide. Time to make the fu%$ing chimichangas, and Deadpool’s buyin’!

Deadpool is available for purchase on the iTunes Store in HD for $14.99, and includes a number of iTunes Extras, including “deleted scenes, and parts that grow before your very eyes, a gag reel (DUH!) deleted scenes, and an 80-minute documentary. The movie will be available for rent on iTunes beginning May 10. [GET IT HERE]
If you prefer DVD or Blu-Ray, (sorry, not available on VHS or BETA), Amazon has the flick available for pre-order for $19.99 for DVD, $22.99 for Blu-Ray, and $29.99 for 4K Blu-Ray