Spring is just around the corner, and if you’re planning to create a fresh look for your home’s landscaping, you might want to take a look at iScape by Home Revivals, a popular virtual landscaping and design app for iOS devices.

We told you about iScape last summer, and the app continues to offer a great way for do-it-yourself landscape artist to create their perfect landscaping vision, knowing exactly what they’ll need to buy and create to make their vision a reality, all before the fist shovel-full of dirt is moved.
“Even though snow still covers the ground in many areas of the country, it’s never too early to begin planning your spring landscaping,” says Patrick Pozzuto, creator of iScape. “Our app allows users to get a headstart on planning for the spring thaw. iScape allows them to envision a fresh, new, spring landscape design for their home, even if there is still a foot of snow on the ground.”
Users simply take a photo of the area they’d like to make changes to, (or they can use a photo that’s already on their device’s Camera Roll), and then by using the app’s built-in tools and landscaping item library, they can make changes to the landscape, adding bushes, trees, ground cover, flowers, walkways, and even pools and decks, allowing the user to view what a new landscape design would look like.
Once the design is just so, they can view a convenient list of items, perfect for shopping at the local home improvement store, or the design can be shared via email with a landscaping pro, so the user’s vision can be properly shared and understood.
App Features include:
- Layered designs can be saved to allow for future editing
- Change the background image at anytime
- Add landscaping features, such as flowers, trees, walkways, patios, water, and more from iScape’s handy library
- The Cutout Tool offers extended functionality, allowing it to be used as a clone tool
- Share the design, along with a detailed layer list that is automatically generated of all the items in the design
- Print any design out and take it along to the home improvement store, making it simple to get exactly what is needed
- Share landscape designs via printer, email, or Facebook
- The size and width of image layers can be easily adjusted via the convenient sizing handles
- Access favorite items right in the editor screen
- The iPad version offers a slide-over database view, allowing users to drag-and-drop images right into a design
A library of landscaping items includes:
- Tree types include evergreens, deciduous, flowering, palms, and more
- Flowering and evergreen shrubs
- Flowers include annuals, perennials, shade, and sun varieties
- Grass and other types of ground cover
- Tropical and desert features; including cactus, and tropical plants
- Planters of all types
- Water features, including pools, fountains, water falls and more
- Hardscapes, including stone and retention walls, patios, decks, lighting, fences, and much more
iScape 2.5.3 is available for the iPhone and iPad for $9.99, in the App Store. [GET IT HERE] (Also available for Android devices.)