Indie developer, codeDependent Software on Monday released their entertaining and challenging math game, Carl Can Divide 1.0. The iOS app offers kids 10 and up a brainteasing challenge, as they help Carl the fish make it through the ocean by quickly proving their skills with division, square roots, and prime numbers.

To begin, players select a divisor, for example: “5.” Then the journey begins, as Carl the happy fish progresses across the screen. Bubbles float up from the ocean floor that contain numbers. Players must swipe their finger on the bubbles containing numbers that are evenly divisible by the number they selected. Swipe the correct bubble, and Carl advances across the screen a bit and the player racks up points. Miss swiping too many of the correct answers, or swipe too many of the bubbles containing the wrong answers, and Carl will have to end his journey in order to hide from the “bad guys,” who include sharks, jellyfish, mantas, and more.
Carl’s friend Amy delights in Carl’s skills at math, so she gives Carl a special prize for each level he correctly works his way through. The challenge increases with every new level, working their way up through ever increasing divisional challenges. if they successfully navigate those waters, they tackle square roots, and primes. (Tackle, see what i did there? Bait and tackle… SIGH! Never mind. – Ed.)
“My personal goal is to increase the proficiency for our kids to have instant mental recall of multiplication and division facts,” says developer Evelyn Eldridge. “These are areas that I feel hinder future success in math. I see this over and over, where kids struggle with math in later years because they cannot recognize simple math facts. ‘Carl Can Divide’ helps a child’s recall of math facts, rewarding them with entertaining gameplay, a place on the leaderboard, and virtual prize awards each time they help Carl safely make his journey.”
Carl Can Divide is available for iOS devices for $1.99 USD in the App Store. [GET IT HERE] – Bulk educational purchases are available, for more information, contact Evelyn Eldridge at codeDependent Software.