Customers at a JC Penney location in the Dallas-forth Worth area are getting a preview of what it’s like using their JC Penney credit cards via Apple Pay. The retailer is testing the service with the store cards at The Village at Fairview store. The chain hopes to do a nationwide rollout in Spring of 2016.

Customers with a JCPenney charge card receive a notice about the Texas pilot program when attempting to add a JCPenney card to Apple Pay using the Wallet app. The notification also includes details about the full launch of the JCPenney Apple Pay service.
Apple Pay support for store credit cards debuted alongside iOS 9 earlier this year, but so far, Kohl’s department store is the only major retailer to make use of the contactless payments system with its store cards.
In addition to store credit cards, iOS 9 also brought support for in-store loyalty cards, such as those for customers of the Walgreens drugstore chain, which is the first major retailer to allow adding a customer’s “Balance Rewards” information to the iOS 9 Wallet app for use with Apple Pay. The chain added Apple Pay support for their loyalty cards earlier this month.
Users can add their Balance Rewards card to the Wallet app in iOS 9, and then use it at checkout via Apple Pay. Members will hold their iPhone near the contactless reader at checkout, and place their finger on the Touch ID sensor on their device. The customer’s rewards information will be transmitted. Apple Watch users will just double-click their wearable’s side button, select their Balance Rewards card, and hold the Apple Watch up to the reader.