Thursday saw Verizon announce that it will soon be increasing the price of grandfathered unlimited data plans by $20 per month. The increase will bring the monthly tariff up to $49.99, plus the price of the standard talk and text plan. Customers will feel the pinch beginning November 15.

The amount of people affected by this move should be relatively small. Verizon says that less than 1% of its 100+ million subscriber base still has an unlimited plan, and those that do still have one and are currently under contract from a previous phone purchase won’t likely see the price hike until the contract expires.
Verizon stopped offering the unlimited plan a few years back, and has been making moves ever since to get the last stubborn few customers on the plan to drop it. So far, the carrier has attempted to throttle unlimited data customers, as well as require them to pay full price for devices. However, Verizon has pulled back on both efforts, due to pressure from the FCC.
Verizon and AT&T have both long stopped offering unlimited data plans, leaving only T-Mobile and Sprint to still offer the plans to customers.