The Apple-supplied Xcode development tool indicates the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus will sport 2GB of RAM, while the iPad Pro will boast 4GB of RAM. This was discovered over the weekend by developer Hamza Sood.

Sood tweeted on Sunday: “Not much of a surprise but Xcode confirms 2GB of RAM for the 6s (and 6s plus), and 4GB for the iPad Pro,” and included a screen capture (seen above) showing the Xcode interface indicating the memory sizes for each device.
Not much of a surprise but Xcode confirms 2GB of RAM for the 6s (and 6s plus), and 4GB for the iPad Pro
— Hamza Sood (@hamzasood) September 13, 2015
The image asset is chosen based on the memoryClass key in the simdevicetype’s capabilities.plist. 0 = <1GB, 1 = 1GB, 2 = 2GB, 3 = 4GB.
— Hamza Sood (@hamzasood) September 13, 2015
As is usual, Apple itself hasn’t announced the RAM available in the new devices, although it has been long-rumored the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus have 2GB of RAM. In a Creative Cloud press release from last week, Adobe noted the iPad Pro has 4GB of RAM, but removed the mention of the RAM size soon after.