If you’re picking up a new iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus this weekend, you might want to also check out UK publisher Stopframe’s latest eBook, “iPhone 6s Guide: The Ultimate Guide for iPhone 6s & iPhone 6s Plus.”

The book is Kindle-only, so you will need either a Kindle device or the Kindle app on your iOS device to read it, but that is a minor quibble.
Written by author Tom Rudderham, the guide is full of tips and in-depth tutorials. Included in the book is the history of the iPhone, how to use 3D Touch, how to use apps, stream music and listen to Beats 1 on Apple Music, what to do if you ever have an issue with your new precious, and more.
Stopframe says there are also in-depth tutorials for apps, such as Safari and Photos. You’ll learn how to edit your photos, create and share albums, and more. It all sounds a bit beginner-centric, but there is nothing wrong with that, as new users buy iPhones every day, and new users will be coming onboard in waves this weekend as the new iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus go on sale to the public.
The eBook weighs in at 201 pages, and is available on Amazon.com, or via the nearest Kindle device or app. The iPhone 6s Guide is priced at $3.99 USD. [GET IT HERE]