There is nothing quite so satisfying as building your own websites. Today’s deal: The HTML5 & CSS3 Web Design Bundle, will teach you everything you need to know about building responsive websites, from the ground up!

HTML5 & CSS3 Site Design Online Short Course: Jumpstart Your Web Design Journey with a Primer on Basic Coding Languages
Deep dive into HTML5 and CSS3, the programming languages essential to crafting a site from scratch. You’ll learn how to lay the basic structure for webpages, then infuse them with visual elements to make them engaging to users. From mapping out your site’s basic layout to publishing your finished site, you’ll understand how to build a website from scratch, as well as implement upgrades to an existing site.
- Learn the basics of HTML & CSS
- Organize your site files using an external style sheet
- Craft & design a web layout
- Insert & format text anywhere on your pages: headings, lists & more
- Insert & customize the display of graphics
- Roll out your site: preview it, test it & more
- Insert additional page elements: slideshows, tables, Google Maps, etc.
- Take your site live: test it, make edits to it, update it, etc.
Website Wireframing with HTML 5 & CSS3 Online Short Course: Turn Your Ideas into Wireframes in Less Than 3 Hours
Further your immersion into HTML and CSS by learning how to create and implement website wireframes. No matter your skill level, this course will enhance your coding acumen by walking you through practical ways to sharpen your site building skill set. You’ll draft the basic sections of your site, layer on text and images, and finish off everything with interactive features intended to bring your webpages to life.
- Learn the basics of wireframing in less than 3 hours
- Configure the basic sections of your site
- Figure out how text and images are arranged on your pages
- Wireframe your header & other page components in great detail
- Embellish your site w/ finishing elements: image & logo placeholders and more
- Publish your work online to share w/ colleagues
Building Responsive Websites with HTML5 & CSS3 Online Course: Design Webpages That Look Great on Any Device
Web audiences today are consuming content on a bigger variety of devices than ever, so it’s important for designers to craft site layouts that are responsive. In this course, you’ll utilize your HTML and CSS skills to create sites that adjust and function perfectly on any device, no matter its type or resolution.
- Understand the fundamentals of responsive design
- Learn how & why to use multiple CSS files in your process
- Easily navigate media queries & style sheets
- Build the basic structure of your site: hero section, features section, etc.
- Create layouts for viewing on low, medium & high resolution screens
- Tailor your layouts for viewing on smartphones & tablets
- Learn advanced techniques like how to set up Retina display graphics
Applying Design to Wireframes with HTML5 + CSS3 Online Course: Craft Visually Striking Wireframes That Translate into Beautiful Sites
Now that you understand how to craft basic wireframes, build upon your newly acquired knowledge by learning how to jazz up their aesthetics. Whether using CSS to create buttons or configuring site graphics with HTML, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to create beautiful wireframes that will form the basis for a stunning site.
- Map out the aesthetics & function of your design
- Create & format buttons using CSS
- Customize the typography of your design
- Style & format individual sections
- Conduct cross-browser testing to ensure your design performs optimally
- Insert & format graphics: logo, hero images, button labels, etc.
CSS Floating Layouts Online Short Course: Add a Powerful Visual Formatting Tool to Your Design Toolbox
Conclude your web design foray by utilizing CSS floats, a tool that lets you push a block-level element to the left or right. What do CSS floats do? Think of how magazine article layouts feature text that naturally flows around images set on the page. When you use a CSS float, you similarly move an element so that it’s out of flow relative to other elements, but still retain the flow of the entire page. You’ll learn to implement these CSS floating layouts and craft visually stunning pages sure to engage your web audience.
- Learn the fundamentals of CSS floating layouts
- Precisely control the visual flow on your page
- Use the float & clear properties to exactly position elements on your site
- Craft layouts w/ varying levels of responsiveness: flexible, fixed & combination flexible and fixed
- Insert headers & footers into your webpages
- Use Dreamweaver to implement your floating layout design