Wallpaper Weekends is a series that brings you stunning, high quality wallpapers for your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Mac. Be sure to visit MacTrast every weekend to download new wallpapers for your Apple devices.
We have bonus wallpapers for you today! In honor of the official release of the red band trailer for the upcoming Deadpool movie, we present “Merc With a Mouth” wallpapers for all of your Apple devices.
If you haven’t yet seen the red band trailer for Deadpool, you can catch it here. BE WARNED! It is DEFINITELY Not Safe For Work, or for those who hate violent movies or profanity, or anyone that has a stick up their butt. Consider yourself warned! Now go watch the trailer, ya crazy knucklehead!



Download Instructions
From your iPhone or iPad, link to the full resolution image by tapping the individual images. When the new window opens, tap and hold on the image until the “Save Image” option appears. Saving the image will place it in the Camera Roll.
From your desktop, link to the full resolution image. Right click and save the image to your iTunes photo sync folder.
Once the new image is on your device, simply go to “Settings” -> “Wallpaper” -> “Choose a New Wallpaper” and select the new image.
From your Mac, click your mouse pointer on one of the images. When the full-sized image appears in your browser, right-click or CTRL-Click on the image, and click on “Save Image As…” to save the image to your Mac’s hard drive.
Now, right-click or CTRL-click on your desktop, and select “Change DesktopBackground…” In the Desktop & Screen Saver dialog box that appears, click the “+” button at the bottom of the left panel. Navigate to the directory you saved the wallpaper in, and double-click the wallpaper filename.
Or, as reader Biff Bifferson pointed out, you can just right click on the image in the browser and click “Set As Desktop Background.” That both changes the desktopand saves the image.