If your vehicle is too old for OnStar roadside assistance features, but you’d still like the peace of mind a service like that provides, Verizon has a deal for you. The company has launched Hum, a car service that offers roadside assistance, car diagnostics and assistance locating nearby mechanics, for $14.99 a month.
Hum will likely find favor with drivers of older cars that don’t offer similar features through their manufacturers. It was announced back in January (when it was dubbed Verizon Vehicle) and was originally slated to launch in June.
The service includes a Bluetooth speaker that mounts to your car’s visor, and a wireless modem that plugs into the onboard diagnostics port that is standard on most vehicles built since 1996. As Hum uses its own modem, there’s no need for a user to be subscribed to any of Verizon’s other wireless offerings.
Hum also offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices that tracks the vehicle’s records, gives maintenance alerts, can locate your car if you lose it in the parking lot or if it’s stolen, and can even track the time left on a parking meter.
Hum will run you $14.99 with a two-year contract, the hardware is included as part of the subscription. For more information about the service, visit the Hum website.