Upstart U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile has begun to show some results from its CEO John Legere’s disruptive actions over the last year or so, as the perennial number four carrier has passed Sprint to take third-place behind leaders Verizon and AT&T.

It seems T-Mobile’s tactics are working, and Sprint’s first fiscal quarter report released today shows that its 56.8 million subscribers are just shy of the 58.9 million that T-Mobile reported it had last month.
Legere, of course, took to Twitter to officially celebrate the news, even though the magenta carrier has been unofficially claiming third-place for quite awhile now.
Legere’s tweets confirm he believes his company’s move into third place has been on the back of the disruptive “Un-carrier” moves the company has been making. Legere says it proves T-Mobile is actually listening to its customers, unlike the other members of the big four club.
Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure displayed a touch of class, replying to Legere’s tweet by saying the newly minted number three carrier deserves credit and respect for its accomplishments. He also added that Sprint will be focusing “on customers not rankings,” as it moves forward.
@JohnLegere @TMobile deserve credit. Much respect. Now focused on customers not rankings. Congrats. #movingforward
— Marcelo Claure (@marceloclaure) August 4, 2015
T-Mobile has been making a number of moves to attract and keep subscribers, the most recent of which was adding Apple Music to its list of streaming music services that its Simple Choice customers can listen to without having the data usage count against their monthly 4G LTE data allotments. The carrier has also announced that it will be offering the next, as yet unannounced, iPhone free to anyone who buys an iPhone 6 through T-Mobile’s Jump on Demand plan over the next few months.