Flexibits’ popular Fantastical 2 calendar app for iOS received an update Wednesday. Version 2.3 of the app now offers Apple Watch users the ability to view events and reminders in the friendly Fantastical list. Also included is a customizable glance that provides users with a quick way to see their next upcoming event.

“The Apple Watch was designed to provide users with quick access to their info,” said Michael Simmons, Co-Founder of Flexibits. “We designed Fantastical 2 for Apple Watch to bring the friendly experience of Fantastical to our users’ wrists.”

Fantastical 2 allows users to easily create, view, and search all of their events and reminders. The app’s advanced natural language engine allows anyone to enter an event or reminder using natural phrases, such as: “Lunch with Julie at Firehouse Subs on Tuesday.” The app interprets the entry, and adds the event to the calendar.
Reminders can also be added by using a similar sentence, such as: “Todo: pick up onions at the grocery store.” A reminder is then created. For devices that support dictation, users can enter reminders and events with their voice.
Fantastical 2.3 for the iPhone and Apple Watch is now available for $4.99 in the App Store. [Purchase Here] The update is free for owners of previous versions.