BGR reports that shipments of the Apple Watch have begun to arrive at Apple retail stores around the United States. The report suggest the Watch will be available for in-store purchase either later today, or tomorrow. No word is yet available on the product mix.

… We have been told by trusted sources that Apple Stores around the country have begun to receive shipments of the Apple Watch for sale through in-store reservations for personal pickup when purchased online.
We visited the Apple Online Store and did a check for Personal Pickup availability in the U.S., and the option for remains unavailable.
The Apple Watch was first released on April 24th, and has remained in short supply since. However, supplies have shown signs of loosening up recently.
Apple SVP of Operations Jeff Williams was quoted earlier this month as saying the Watch would finally be made available for in-store purchase in June:
“The response to Apple Watch has surpassed our expectations in every way, and we are thrilled to bring it to more customers around the world. We’re also making great progress with the backlog of Apple Watch orders, and we thank our customers for their patience. All orders placed through May, with the sole exception of Apple Watch 42 mm Space Black Stainless Steel with Space Black Link Bracelet, will ship to customers within two weeks. At that time, we’ll also begin selling some models in our Apple Retail Stores.”
Apple has yet to comment on the BGR report.
(UPDATE) – 9to5Mac reports that its sources tell them there will be special bags for Apple Watch customers:
… we’re hearing that Apple Stores will have a small but interesting addition to the purchasing experience in the form of special Apple Watch bags for shoppers. These special bags are said to be made of heavy paper with rope handles that color-match the bands of each Apple Watch being sold, something Apple recently embraced with its Beats Powerbeats2 earbuds as well.
A 9to5Mac reader has provided a photo of the bags, which you can see at the 9to5Mac website here.