The award winners for the eighth annual iPhone Photography Awards have been named, and their work is now available on the IPPA website. The awards go to the best photos captured with an iPhone over the course of the last year.
This year’s first place photo was taken by Michal Koralewski from Poland, and captures a man playing traditional Polish songs on an accordion.

The second place photo is an incredibly sharp image of a bird in flight, taken by David Craik of Surrey, United Kingdom.

The third place award went to Yvonne Lu from New York, United States whose work features an intimate glimpse at a couple on a train.

All photos entered in the contest were taken with an iPhone, and editing the photos, with apps such as Instagram and VSCO is permitted.
In addition to the top three winners, iPPA also selects winning photos in several categories, including: animals, architecture, children, flowers, food, landscapes, nature, panorama, and more.
Photos from all of the winners of the 2015 iPhone Photography Awards can be viewed at the IPPA website. IPPA is now accepting entries for the 2016 awards.
(Via MacRumors)