Issues with the software that controls configuration of smart home devices in Apple’s HomeKit smart home platform is reportedly forcing the iPhone maker to delay the official launch of the system.

Problems have surfaced in the portion of the system that allows consumers to easily find and configure their smart devices, according to Fortune. The software responsible for that process apparently “blew up” due to memory constraints.
HomeKit is designed to act as a central hub to control iOS-connected products, such as light bulbs, outlets, and door locks. Apple has expected a late spring-early summer launch, but that is now said to have been pushed back to late summer.
Apple had reportedly only begun to establish the HomeKit certification program in November of last year, months after the initial HomeKit announcement. Integration partners, such as Broadcom, have been forced to push back their launches of HomeKit communications chips, which allow device makers to build the HomeKit capabilities into their products.
Broadcom did announce earlier this month that it had finally received Apple’s approval for their Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices platform.
Industry observers have long expected the Apple TV to act as a central hub for the HomeKit system, and support for it was quietly added to the set top streamer last fall. Apple is expected to announce a refreshed Apple TV device at WWDC 2015 in June, which will possibly include expanded HomeKit support.
(UPDATE) – Apple denies Fortune’s reports, says that the first HomeKit accessories are due out next month:
“HomeKit has been available for just a few months and we already have dozens of partners who have committed to bringing HomeKit accessories to market and we’re looking forward to the first ones coming next month.”