If you’re not ready to make the jump into the deep end of the smartwatch pool, London-based entrepreneur Stuart Scott would like you to consider his solution, and make your current watch “smarter.”

“‘digitocks’ is a retrofitting watch attachment that comfortably warns you of incoming notifications, alerts and health goals through subtle yet noticeable vibrations, whilst subconciously reducing your fixed screen lifestyle. It’s a watch accessory not a watch replacement!”
Digitocks consists of a slim, disc-shaped object that attaches to the bezel on the back of your current watch. The disc connects via Bluetooth, and sends vibratory notifications to the wearer, controlled by the digitocks app.
The idea behind digitocks is to help users reclaim the time lost normally staring at a smartphone. digitocks will allow users to prioritize who they receive notifications from, while also setting up specific keywords to be used for specifically related notifications.

Digitocks is entered in Virgin Media’s “Pitch to Rich” competition. The ten best pitches will win a share of more than £1,000,000 in prizes. If digitocks looks like something you’d be interested in buying if it becomes a reality, visit the Pitch to Rich website and vote for it.