In the wake of Siri’s expanded international support in iOS 8.3, Apple has launched an redesigned mini-site demonstrating how users can interact with the virtual personal assistant.

Apple says you can “[t]alk to Siri as you would to a friend and it can help you get things done,” referring to the system’s capability of translating conversational language into commands. For example, users can ask Siri to send messages, create calendar events and pull in information from the Internet.
Apple has compiled a list of Siri tips, along with some possible interactions users may experience, arranged in categories.
Apple also lays out some fun “tips and tricks,” such as using Siri to “flip a coin”, or to “pick a card.” The site also lists questions many Siri users may already be aware of, such as “What movies are playing today?” and “Hey Siri, what song is this?”
The webpage is laid out in a pleasing array of information, animations, and graphics, and users can browse through a variety of sample interactions in such categories as: “At a glance,” “Staying in touch,” “Getting organized,” “Sports,” “Entertainment,” “Out and about,” “Getting answers” and “Tips and Tricks.”
Apple’s Wednesday update to iOS 8.3 expanded Siri’s capabilities to nine new countries including Brazil, Denmark, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden, Thailand and Turkey.