Apple CEO Tim Cook made a surprise visit to London’s Covent Garden Apple Store. Cook also sat down for a talk with The Telegraph to discuss the upcoming Apple Watch, sharing a few more details about the highly-anticipated wearable.

Cook claimed that the Apple Watch will have several features that go beyond timekeeping and health and fitness, such as the ability to replace large car key fobs that come with most current vehicles. “This will be just like the iPhone: people wanted it and bought for a particular reason, perhaps for browsing, but then found out that they loved it for all sorts of other reasons,” he said.
Cook reiterated that the Apple Watch’s battery will last one full day, requiring a charge overnight. Although Cook noted that it won’t take as long to charge as an iPhone.
Cook praised Apple’s Jony Ive for the watch’s “incredible” charger, which will use a special magnet technology which the British designer has created with efficiency, as well as beauty, in mind.
The Telegraph reports that reaction to Cook’s surprise visit at the Covent Garden store was “off the charts.” The publication reports that the staff gasped, and then burst into spontaneous, loud applause as soon as they spotted Cook, who walked in behind while they were holding a pre-opening store meeting.
The CEO told the assembled employees that selling the Apple Watch will be unlike any other product they’ve sold before. “We’ve never sold anything as a company that people could try on before”, said Cook. Cook also admitted that the company will likely be “tweaking the experience” for customers following the device’s April debut.
Cook, when asked by an employee what he felt was his biggest accomplishment this year, replied: “I’m proud we stayed true to our North Star. We are pro-privacy, pro-environment and pro-human rights.”
Cook’s visit to the London store was just the latest stop in his international tour this week, as he made previous stops in Belgium, Germany, and Israel.