You’re likely aware that Siri is now integrated with the song identifying service Shazam! and can listen to a song and then tell you the name of the tune, and the artist singing it. But, did you know you can find a history of the songs you’ve had her identify?

To view the history of the songs you’ve had Siri identify, just go into the iTunes Store on your iPhone, and the tap on the menu icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen. (It looks like three lines.)
After tapping the icon, you’ll be viewing the history area. Here, you’ll see four tabs, “Wish List,” “Siri,” “Radio,” and “Previews.”
Tap the “Siri” tab. under here you’ll see a list of the songs you’ve had Siri identify for you in the past. And oh, look at that, Apple is so helpful, they’ve added a convenient button you can tap to easily buy the song. How nice.
If you feel there are just too many songs listed here, or you’d be too embarrassed for someone to see that you looked up “Ring My Bell” by Anita Ward, you can tap the “Clear” button in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
While you’re here, you can also view what songs you’ve listened to on iTunes Radio, and any songs you’ve played a preview of in the iTunes Store.
What’s your favorite Siri trick or tip? Send yours to, and if we use it, we’ll be sure to give you credit. Include your Twitter handle, and we’ll be sure to link to it too.