Apple seeded the second beta of OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite to developers on Monday, coming two and a half weeks after the initial beta release.

The new beta, build 14D87h, is available to registered developers via the “Update” tab in the Mac App Store and via download from the Mac Developer Center.
Apple is asking testers to focus primarily on the new Photos app, along with Wi-Fi captive network support and screen sharing.
Known Issues Include:
- Some buttons and other UI elements may not appear correctly.
- Imported edits from iOS devices may not appear correctly until the image is opened in Edit view.
- Some images may be slow to display in Edit view if the photos have not yet been downloaded from iCloud Photo Library.
- Animations when rotating photos in the Albums view may not appear correctly.
- Dragging and dropping photos and videos from Photos to Mail may not work as expected.
- In some cases, iCloud storage estimates provided after a user enables iCloud Photo Library may be larger than required when duplicate photos exist.
- Library upgrade progress bar may not report the correct status.
- Videos imported to Photos may show the wrong capture time in the Info panel. Capture time can be manually adjusted using Image-> Adjust Date and Time.
- Images uploaded to iCloud Photo Library via may cause duplicates in your Photos library on your Mac.
The first beta of OS X 10.10.3 included the new Photos for OS X app, which is intended as a replacement for both the Aperture and iPhoto apps. Photos for OS X is scheduled for an early 2015 launch.