It’s happened to all of us, the battery in our iPhone dies, right in the middle of something important. You know, like… Running all of creation?

Smartphone battery case maker Mophie’s upcoming Super Bowl commercial gives us a glimpse of what could happen if the battery were to run out in God’s smartphone. Believe us, the consequences are NOT pretty!
Mophie’s ad shows hurricanes, blizzards, tsunamis, fires and wild animals as they work together to bring on the end of the world. Dogs walk their masters, hyenas invade news studios, basically everything happens that possibly could. Well, with the possible exception of dogs and cats living together. (Obligatory Ghostbusters end-of-world reference. – Ed.)
Why has God forsaken the world? How could we deserve such an ending? Easy. God’s smartphone ran out of juice. “Gosh Darn It!”
Mophie’s apocalyptic commercial will run during Sunday’s Super Bowl XLIX.
(Via BGR)