Updated App For BACtrack Breathalyzers Now Connects to iOS 8 Health App

Updated App For BACtrack Breathalyzers Now Connects to iOS 8 Health App

A new app update for the BACtrack Mobile and BACtrack Vio smartphone-connected breathalyzers allow users to share their blood alcohol content level results with Apple’s iOS 8 Health app.


The update for the breathalyzer’s companion app allows users to sync the data with the Health app, and also access data from other HealthKit-enabled apps.

Why would you want the Health app to know just how stinking drunk you really are? BACtrack laid out some of the possibilities for 9to5Mac:

  • Compare BAC levels and sleep data side-by-side to discover if alcohol consumption affects both quality and duration of sleep
  • Track daily routines using a wearable device and discover if activity levels change based on alcohol consumption
  • Use fitness apps to track exercise activities and see if results change based on the previous night’s BAC levels
  • View correlations between BAC levels and calories consumed using food tracking apps

The Bluetooth enabled BACtrack Mobile ($104.19) and BACtrack Vio ($52.38) breathalyzers are both available on Amazon.com.

The BACtrack companion app is available FREE for the iPhone in the App Store. [DIRECT LINK]